As a responsible business founded on transparency, we pride ourselves on the detailed information we provide for our customers about the manufacturing of our garments. You can find a garment story for every product that details every part of the process, from the manufacturer, where we sourced the materials from, to where our packaging was produced. While it is always a balancing act to make environmentally and financially responsible decisions as a business, we are proud to provide the tools and knowledge for our customers to make fully informed decisions about their purchases. We have developed a responsible business intention document that holds us accountable in our decision making processes.

Our resale platform - JB Revived - gives you the opportunity to list, sell and shop pre-loved JB pieces. As our style and bodies change with the seasons you may find it is time to pass your beloved JB piece onto a new owner. Managing waste and ensuring our garments stay in circulation for as long as possible is one of our key goals as a responsible business.

It has been estimated that there is over 10 million kilograms of excess fabrics as a by-product of fashion and textile manufacturing in Australia alone. We have partnered with Melbourne-based Circular Sourcing to ensure our leftover fabric from the sampling and production process finds a home and isn’t left sitting in a warehouse for years to come with no purpose. Circular Sourcing is an Australian marketplace dedicated to the sale of designer deadstock and quality surplus materials. In short: we list our leftover fabrics (at a heavily discounted rate) and you are able to purchase them for all your home sewing desires. Welcome to the circular fashion revolution.